


京都丹波・福知山唯一の小さな酒蔵 東和酒造有限会社です。
東和酒造は享保二年(1717 年)に京街道・生野宿近くに茶屋を創業し、

昭和 52 年に突然の井戸枯れにより酒造りを休むことになり、

平成 20 年より酒蔵の長女今川純が製造に加わり、各地で修業や研修を受けたのち
平成 23 年より自家醸造を再開しました。実に 33 年ぶりの復活でした。

復活してからは総米 500 kg以下の仕込みに限定し、あえて量産せずに少量多品種を造る体制をとっています。


会社名 東和酒造有限会社
創業 享保二年(1717年)
代表者 取締役 今川 新六
杜氏 今川 純(丹波杜氏)
住所 〒620-0825 京都府福知山市字上野115,116,117番合地
TEL 0773-35-0008
FAX 0773-35-0604
e-mail info@towa-shuzou.jp

We are Towa Sake Brewery Limited, the only small sake brewery in Fukuchiyama, Tanba, Kyoto.
Towa Sake Brewery was founded in 1717 as a teahouse near Ikunojuku on old Kyoto Road,
and later began producing sake and soy sauce.
Although the brewery has a long history, there was a time when sake brewing took a long break.

In 1977, the brewery had to take a break from sake brewing due to a sudden dry well,
and continued to operate on a contract manufacturing basis because at that time,
any kind of sake could be sold.

In 2008, the brewery's eldest daughter, Jun Imagawa, joined the production team,
and after receiving training and apprenticeships in various regions, the brewery resumed its own brewing in 2011.
In fact, it was the first time in 33 years that the brewery was back in business.

Since its resumption, the brewery has limited its production to less than 500 kg of rice
and has adopted a system of producing a wide variety of products in small quantities without mass production.
The amount of sake produced in small batches is about 100 koku.
Although the amount of sake produced is limited, it is thoroughly managed to meet the needs of our customers.

We hope you will enjoy the mellow and deep flavor of "Fukuchi-Sanmannisengoku,"
a local sake from Fukuchiyama and "Rokkan," a brand of junmai sake made by a female toji.

Toji=chief brewer at a sake brewery